First Annual Artist Book Week

August 14-August 18th Monday-Friday 12-7

Opening Reception Wed. August 16, 6-8

BravinLee is pleased to present the inaugural edition of Artist Book Week, August 14-18, 12-7pm daily.  BravinLee has been showing artist books in their many forms-- pop-ups, sketchbooks, altered books, journals, single pages, for over twenty years.

The book form reveals the artist at their most uninhibited and authentic moments.  Turning the pages, the viewer enters a peculiarly personal and spiritual shared space, born from the artist's own observation and skill for storytelling.

Pop-ups are like time-based sculptures-- the viewer collaborates to activate the ingenious images and mechanically engineered forms and sequences.  The artist journal is contemplative, poetic, revealing, and confessional.  

Traditional sketchbooks are often like dress rehearsals-- the artist’s thoughts, schemes and visions and plans for future works are glimpsed.